The Pyramid of Capitalist System T-Shirt
A reproduction of the 1911 satirical caricature cartoon, first published in Industrial Worker. It, in turn, was based on earlier cartoons including Nicolas Lokhoff's 1901 work "Social Pyramid". The cartoon depicts the four strata of capitalist society, with the ruling trio of a monarch and state leaders in suits at the top ("we rule you"). Immediately below is a group comprising an Orthodox clergy, a Catholic cardinal and a Protestant minister ("we fool you"). The middle tier features a group of soldiers ("we shoot at you"), while the fourth shows a group of bourgeoise around a dinner table ("we eat for you"). The final, largest and lowest, group is the workers and proletariat, including one clutching a red flag and a fallen child lying on its back ("we work for all; we feed all").
A reproduction of the 1911 satirical caricature cartoon, first published in Industrial Worker. It, in turn, was based on earlier cartoons including Nicolas Lokhoff's 1901 work "Social Pyramid". The cartoon depicts the four strata of capitalist society, with the ruling trio of a monarch and state leaders in suits at the top ("we rule you"). Immediately below is a group comprising an Orthodox clergy, a Catholic cardinal and a Protestant minister ("we fool you"). The middle tier features a group of soldiers ("we shoot at you"), while the fourth shows a group of bourgeoise around a dinner table ("we eat for you"). The final, largest and lowest, group is the workers and proletariat, including one clutching a red flag and a fallen child lying on its back ("we work for all; we feed all").